This is my Life

I made this my life because it’s my passion, simple.

So many people wonder why I gave up what I had to be here. Alternatively, some believe I make easy money. If it was about money, I would have never left the career I previously built for myself. I don’t believe in doing anything just for the money and I sure as hell didn’t chase this career thinking it would be easy.

I live to help and encourage others. I will give all the energy I have just to see people smile and to watch them succeed. I spent 7 years in a gym before I figured out what actually worked for me and before I learned how to properly set up and program my workouts. Do you really want it to take that long? Or would you rather spend a year with me and be self sufficient within the first year?

I want to see people live for themselves, not for society. I want to see people learn to love themselves when they thought they never could. I want to see people make fitness a lifestyle, not a quick fix. I want to see you change your life and be proud of it. I want to help you reach your true potential, something you never thought was possible.

If you’re willing to give 100%, I will give you 100% right back. Someone once told me, if they could do it for free, they would; I agree. But money will always be a component of many things in life. What you must realize, is that this is an investment in your life, in your health. If you could put a price on your life, would you? Your health, your happiness, it’s invaluable.

This was never about money, it was about YOU – because you are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for, trust me. I made this my life so I could change yours.

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